Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Obsidian Flames Booster

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Obsidian Flames Booster More

Manufacturer: PokémonProduct code: 186-85374 Shipping and payment

5 €

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Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Obsidian Flames Booster More

Manufacturer: PokémonProduct code: 186-85374 Shipping and payment

EN version
Pokemon TCG Scarlet and Violet Obsidian Flames Booster Box - the biggest product of the Pokemon TCG card game. It contains exactly 36 additional packs full of Pokémon cards. When unpacking, you are guaranteed to come across a few rare Pokemon ex and illustration rare cards. The whole package is more advantageous for Boosters than if you bought the individual packages separately. Don't forget that this product comes with free shipping!
Inside each booster, you will find the following types of cards: 4 common cards (basic Pokémon), 3 uncommon cards (basic + stage 1 Pokémon and trainers), 1 energy card, 2 reverse holo cards (any card from the entire edition in shiny design ) and 1 rare card (the rarest cards from the entire edition including new and Pokemon ex). All cards are randomly shuffled from all cards in the edition. In addition to all this, the package also contains basic energy and a code that will open one booster for you in the Pokémon TCG Live online game.
Obsidian Flames Edition Information: The Obsidian Flames set was released on 11/08/2023, contains over 190 cards, including 20 new Pokemon ex. It is the 3rd edition of the ninth generation, based on the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet video games, and continues to release Pokémon ex and Special illustration rare cards. From Pokémon ex, we can find here: Vespiquen ex, Decidueye ex, Toedscruel ex, Victini ex, Greninja ex, Eiskue ex, Tyranitar ex, Pawmot ex, Miraidon ex, Clefable ex, Houndstone ex, Klawf ex, Koraidon ex, Charizard ex, Houndoom ex , Mabostiff ex, Melmetal ex, Revavroom ex, Dragonite ex and Greedent ex. The edition will feature more than 15 trainer cards, 9 gold cards, more than 30 Illustration Rare cards, and more than 10 Special Illustration Rare cards.